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Massasoit's daughter, or, The French captives: a romance of aboriginal New-England
Colonists; Comets; Earthquakes; English; French; History; Hurricanes; Indian Captivities; Indians Of North America; Shipwrecks; Slave Trade; Slaver; Smallpox
Massasoit's daughter, or, The French captives: a romance of aboriginal New-England
Colonists; Comets; Earthquakes; English; French; History; Hurricanes; Indian Captivities; Indians Of North America; Shipwrecks; Slave Trade; Slaver; Smallpox
Massasoit's daughter, or, The French captives: a romance of aboriginal New-England
Colonists; Comets; Earthquakes; English; French; History; Hurricanes; Indian Captivities; Indians Of North America; Shipwrecks; Slave Trade; Slaver; Smallpox
Message from the President of the United States...
United States. Department of State
Comet (Ship); Encomium (Ship); Enterprise (Ship); Forsyth, John, 1780 1841; Slave Trade; Slaver; United States; Van Buren, Martin, 1782 1862
Star of the North, or comet of 1861 [graphic]
Art And The War; Caricatures And Cartoons; Civil War; Civil War, 1861 1865; Comets; Covers (Philately); Envelopes (Stationery); History; Lincoln, Abraham, 1809 1865; Patriotic Envelopes; United States
Graded School (white)
Cities And Towns By Name; Comet (Va.); Isle Of Wight County (Va.); Regions And States; Regions And States By Name; Schools; Single Built Works By Function; South (U.S.); Virginia
Graded School (white)
Cities And Towns By Name; Comet (Va.); Isle Of Wight County (Va.); Regions And States; Regions And States By Name; Schools; Single Built Works By Function; South (U.S.); Virginia
Mary Pickford and husband
California; Comet Films; Couples; Group Portraits; Herald Examiner Collection Photographs; Jazz Musicians; Los Angeles; Los Angeles Evening Herald And Express Photographs; Men; Motion Picture Actors And Actresses; Navies; Officers; Pickford, Mary; Portrait Photographs; Presidents; Rogers, Buddy; United States; Women
Arkansas History Timeline
Core, Dorothy Jones
Arkansas; Arkansas Gazette; Audubon, John James; Chickasaw Indians; Colbert, James; Comet (Steamboat); Crittenden, Robert; De Soto; De Tonti; Earthquake; Fort Carlos Iii; History; Illness; Immigration; Joliet; La Salle; Law, John; Louisiana Purchase; Marquette; National Memorial; New Madrid Fault; Nuttall, Thomas; Population; Quapaw Indians; Quapaw Treaty; Religion
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Combined Circus Route Book for the Season of 1937
Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Combined Shows
Acrobatics; Adler, Felix, 1895 1960; Aerialists; Akai, U; Aloha, Mili; Alpert, Paul; Amadori, Genevra; Anderson, Lawrence R; Animal Trainers; Animals; Antalek, Angela; Antalek, Joseph; Antalek, Koloman; Antalek, Maria; Antalek, Melanie; Antalek, Valerie; Armundo; Bailey, James Anthony, 1847 1906; Ballet; Bangs Jerry; Barbara, Estelle; Barbara, Kay; Barnum, P. T. (Phineas Taylor), 1810 1891; Bedow, Henry, 1907 1953; Bell, Charlie, 1886 1964; Belmont Girls; Benard, Bennie; Bia, Charlie; Bicyclists; Big Show Band; Bodin, Art; Bordner, Marion; Bornhauser, Lavon; Bradna, Ella, 1879 1957; Brasno, Betty; Broadbent, Betty; Bruce Brothers; Bruce, Clarence; Bruce, Rose; Cadora, John; Camels; Canestrelli, Frederico; Canestrelli, Giovanna; Canestrelli, Herma; Canestrelli, Ottavio, 1896 1977; Canestrelli, Tosca; Catarzi, A. (Hart); Chang; Circus; Circus Animals; Circus Bands; Circus Performers; Circus Workers; Circuses (Performances); Clairvoyants; Clawson, Ralph; Clevere, Bernice; Clevere, Joyce; Clevere, Marcia; Clowns; Colter, G. A; Colter, W. G; Colter, W. R; Comedians; Concello, Antoinette; Concello, Art (Arthur M.), 1911 2001; Contortionists; Cossacks; Cowboys; Cowgirls; Cropper, Bobby; Cropper, Thomas; Crumley, Jesse; Crumley, Margie; Cycling; Daredevils; Davis, Cora M. B; Dearo, Bert; Dearo, Corrine; Del Pao, Katy; Delbosq, Adolph; Delbosq, Marie; Delgado, Juanita; Denaro, Violet; Denaro, William; Doll Family; Doll, Gracie, 1899 1970; Doll, Tiny, 1914 2004; Durbin, Carl; Dwarfs; Earles, Daisy; Earles, Harry; Eko And Iko; Elephants; Entertainers; Equestrian Drama; Equestrians; Erdlitz, Mary E; Erlich, Jake, 1906 1952; Ernesto, E; Evans, Margaret; Evans, Merle; Evascott, Theodore; Fakirs; Fargnoli, Amelia; Farthing, Frankie; Farthing, Johnny; Feaster, T; Figueroa, Rosita A; Fioretta Troupe; Five Melbournes; Flack, Eugen; Flying Cloud; Flying Comets; Flying Concellos; Flying Randolls; Fredersdorf, Elfriede; Gardener, Thasia; Geiger, Joseph; Genders, Grace E; Genders, Tuffy, 1911 1997; Giants; Gilette, Lucy; Glasslot, Basil; Glorioso, Louis; Glorioso, Santos; Gondor, Ferene; Gondor, Gissela; Gondor, Rikard; Gondor, Tiva Dor; Gonzalez, Emilio D; Grady, John; Great Aloys; Grotofent Troupe; Grotofent, Arthur; Grotofent, George; Guice Troupes; Guice, Flora; Guice, Walter C; Guilliame, Daisy; Guilliame, Edward; Gumpertz, Sam W; Habib, Mossad; Hama, K; Hamilton, Anne; Hart Brothers; Hart, Everett; Hathaway, C. T; Herbert, Dorothy; Heyer, Tamara S; Heyer, William; Horompo, Paul, 1895 1972; Horse Sports; Howard, Glen; Human Curiosities; Hunt, Bonnie; Hunt, Gloria; Hutts, Hanson; Imperial Viennese; Iron Eyes; Jacobs, Lou, 1903 1992; Jean, Miss; Jerome, Paul, 1889 1960; Jung, Elsie, 1913; Jung, Paul, 1900 1965; Justin Brothers; Kaneko, Hatsutaro; Kauinana, Jeanne P; Kelly, John M; Kries, Henriette; Landolf, Bluch; Lary, Wayne; Laughing Boy; Le Clare, Jack; Lee, Baby; Lensces, Iren; Levine, Mary; Lewis, Joseph; Lolita, Luzi Brederick; Lolita, Violet Harrod; Lone Pine; Loyal Repenski Troupe; Loyal, Adolph; Loyal, Albertina C; Loyal, Alfonso; Loyal, Clandia; Loyal, Clara; Loyal, Erika S; Loyal, Estherina; Loyal, Germana; Loyal, Jules; Loyal, Justino J; Loyal, Maria; Loyal, Simona; Loyal, Zefta; Lsci, Thot; Lu Lolita Duo; Lui, Boa; Lui, Tsin; Lutz, Ollie; Magicians; Magyar Troupe; Major Mite; Marco, Howard K; Maroz, Dan; Maschino Troupe; Maschino, Alfred; Maschino, Fritz; Maschino, Henrich; Maschino, Josef; Maschino, Luciana; Maschino, Ludwig; Maschino, Wilhelm; Maysy Brach Duo; Mc Carty, Anna Louise; Mc Carty, Glen; Mc Coy, Tim; Mc Williams, Paul; Menageries; Merklinger, Ira; Millette, Mildred; Minstrel Music; Minstrel Shows; Mirador Troupe; Mitchell, Martha S; Monefeldt, Hortense; Monefeldt, Jens; Moore, Albert E; Morgan, Mrs. William; Morgan, R. D; Morgan, William; Morgan, William, Jr; Mortier, Polydore; Moser, William; Muse, George, 1890 1971; Muse, Willie, 1893 2001; Nagy, Louis, 1903 1984; Naitto Troupe; Naitto, Ala; Naitto, Nio; Namba, K; Nash, Vivian; Native Americans; Nelson, Harry; Nelson, John; Nelson, Theol; Neuberger, Nio; Neuburger, Alexander; Nimmo, David; Nimmo, Dolores; Orton, Gordon; Otari, Elsa M; Palmares, Madaline; Palmero Troupe; Pappalardo, Sam; Pender, F. T; Peters, Aloys; Porter, Bob; Poucci, Baron; Privett, Thomas; Punch And Judy; Puppets; Rasputin, Maria; Reynolds, Ann; Reynolds, Jennie; Rhonda, Madame; Rice, Maili; Rieffenach Family; Rieffenach, Bertha Olvera; Rieffenach, Maria; Rieffenach, Mitzi Jahn; Rieffenach, S. J; Ringling, Albert, 1852 1916; Ringling, Alfred, 1861 1919; Ringling, Charles, 1868 1926; Ringling, John, 1866 1936; Ringling, Mrs. Charles; Ringling, Mrs. Richard T; Ringling, William Otto, 1858 1911; Rittely, Harry; Robertson, I. W; Rooney, Edward W; Rooney, Jennie I; Rudynoff, Erna; Rudynoff, Rudy; Rudynoff, Rudy, Jr; Rumlina, Victoria; Saluto, Frank T., 1906 1982; Sandor, Baliga; Sandor, Kiss; Schaumloffel, Helen; Scott, Horace S; Sea Lions; Shang, Tsi Hua; Shaw, Agnes C; Shive, Charlotte; Sideshows; Singers; Smiletta, Homer; Smiletta, Trella; Smith, Don L. (Bangs); Snake Charmers; Snellen, Harriet; Soloduhin, Gabriel A; Soloduhin, Ludmilla; Sothern, Judith; South Sea Islanders; Spurgat, Alfred Bachman; Spurgat, Helga; Spurgat, Leo; Spurgat, Norman Kraft; Stekletsky, Jack; Strickler, Margaret; Strom, B. F; Stuart, Betty G; Sundown; Susanne, Miss; Szabo, Janos; Talley, Richard; Tapia, Pete; Tarrant, Corrine; Taylor, Phillis; The Antaleks; The Bells; The Budanos; The Cannestrellis; The Cleveres; The Colters; The Del Paos; The Mikados; The Spurgats; The Valdos; Tiebor, John W. (Cap); Tomaini, Al; Tomaini, Mrs. Al; Torrence, Franz; Torrence, Victoria; Tosky, Tad; Trostl, Arthur; Trostl, Hedwig W; Twist, Egan; Uyeno Troupe; Uyeno, Albert S., 1902; Uyeno, Itchio; Valdo, Mrs. Laura; Velez, Anita; Villa, J; Voise, Jack; Wadsworth, J. F; Walkmir Trio; Wallenberg, Lucile; Wallenda Troupe; Wallenda, Helen, 1910 1996; Wallenda, Herman; Wallenda, Karl; Wallenda, Mrs. Eugene; Wallenda, Mrs. Joseph; Walters Troupe; Ward, Edward; Waughn, Eddie; Wen Hai Troupe; Wen Hai, Leo; Wen Hai, Phylis; Wenzel Trio; Wenzel, Paul F; Whang, Lo Ling; Whips; Wild West Shows; World Famous Magyars; Wright, Arthur A; Yacopi Troupe; Yacopi, Alfredo A; Yacopi, Americo J; Yacopi, Gonzales; Yacopi, Maria L; Yacopi, Nellie; Yacopi, Roberto; Yacopi, Victorio; Yamamoto, U; Yom Kam Troupe; Yorio, May Clark; Yu, Kapitolina; Yu, Tchen Dian; Yu, Walja; Zacchini Family; Zacchini, Bruno; Zacchini, Elsa; Zacchini, Emanuel; Zacchini, Gertrude; Zacchini, Hugo; Zacchini, Mario; Zorn, Elfriede
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows Route, Personnel and Statistics for the Season of 1941 Together with Complete Itineraries from 1919 to 1941 Inclusive, Covering Every Exhibition Date since the Famous Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circuses were United
Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Combined Shows
Acrobatics; Adler, Felix, 1895 1960; Aerialists; Akimoto, Marguerite; Akimoto, Masso; Akimoto, Yujiro; Albrecht, Clarence E; Alpert, Paul; Anderson, Lawrence R; Animal Trainers; Animals; Ardelty, Elly; Armstrong, John J; Bailey, James Anthony, 1847 1906; Bailey, Ruth M; Bainbridge, Albert C; Ballet; Barnum, P. T. (Phineas Taylor), 1810 1891; Battiste, Gallizzioli; Bears; Bedow, Henry, 1907 1953; Bell, Charlie, 1886 1964; Bendixen, Marion A; Bengal Lancers; Bicyclists; Big Show Band; Borza, Adele Daineff; Borza, Adriana; Borza, Antonio; Borza, Giuseppe; Borza, Thea; Bossler, John T; Boutz, Muriel E; Bradna, Ella, 1879 1957; Bradna, Fred, 1871 1955; Brasno, Betty; Brophy, Harold R; Burak, Anne; Burkhart, Mary F; Burkhart, Melvin; Burson, Arthur T., 1883 1960; Butler, Estelle; Butler, Roland; Calderone, Angelo; Campbell, George R; Castle, Hubert; Chase, Clayton H., 1919 1974; Circus; Circus Animals; Circus Bands; Circus Performers; Circus Workers; Circuses (Performances); Clark, Katherine L; Clark, Pearl A; Clark, Ruth F; Clowns; Coleman, Joyce; Comedians; Concello, Antoinette; Concello, Art (Arthur M.), 1911 2001; Court, Alfred, 1883 1977; Cristiani, Belmonte; Cristiani, Corcaita; Cristiani, Emma V; Cristiani, Ernesto; Cristiani, June; Cristiani, Lucio; Cristiani, Mogador E; Cristiani, Ortans; Cristiani, Oscar; Cristiani, Paraito; Cristiani, Ruggero D; Cropper, Thomas; Cycling; Dancers; Dann, Harry D; Davis, Cora M. B; Day, Elden; De Vasconcellos, Roberto; De Wolfe, Fred C; De Young, Mary J; Dean, Jerull M; Deisler, Juanita S; Deisler, Roy R; Denaro, William; Dhotre, Damoo, 1902 1972 Or 1973; Diego, Arturo, And Pablo Troupes; Dogs; Doll Family; Donahue, J. C; Douglas Whyte Basketball Dogs; Dunn, William P., Jr; Durbin, Carl; Durbin, Dorothy E; Duval, Herbert; Dwarfs; Earles, Daisy; Earles, Grace (Doll); Earles, Harry; Earles, Tiny (Doll); Elephants; Elmlund, Theodore Tex; Entertainers; Equestrian Drama; Equestrians; Ernst, John G; Esherick, Mary; Evans, Merle; Fetterer, Mildred K; Figueroa, Rosita A; Fioretta Troupe; Firth, Ernest F; Fischer, Mr; Fischer, Mrs; Fleming, Brooke; Flying Comets; Flying Concellos; Flying Randolls; Foley, John N; Forgeur, Fernand; Forgeur, Marcel J; Forgeur, Marie H. B; Gallagher, Andrea; Garner, Marguerite; Genders, Grace E; Genders, Tuffy, 1911 1997; Giants; Gilbert, Mary M; Giraffe; Glorioso, Helga E; Glorioso, Santo; Goddard, Homer; Gonzalez, Emilio D; Gonzalez, Nelly Y; Gorilla; Great Waldo; Gregory, Doris C; Gregory, Vivian E; Griffin, J. R; Hackett, Betty M; Harris, Wilbur; Hartzell, Glenn B; Hartzell, Glenna J; Hartzell, Olive; Hawaiian Entertainers; Haydon, Anna L; Heinze, Walter K; Hill, Geraldine M; Hopper, Arthur R; Hores, Betty D; Horompo, Paul, 1895 1972; Horse Sports; Human Curiosities; Hunt, Bonnie; Hunt, Gloria; Incomparable Riding Cristiani Family; Ivanov, Marin; Ivanov, Peu; Jacob, Ludwig; Jahn, Dolly L; Jerome, Paul, 1889 1960; Johnson, Jane; Jorio, Lambert; Josephine, Senorita; Juggling; Julio, Marco; Jung, Elsie, 1913; Jung, Paul, 1900 1965; Klein, Kay I; Koessler, Nikolaus; Kohl, Edward J; Konyot, Alexander A; Konyot, Arthur; Konyot, Maria; Konyot, May Fedora; Kovar, Harry; Kovar, May; Krause, William A; La Vine, Claire; Lancers; Landolf, Adolph; Lawrence, Verena M; Lay, Mo; Le Clereq, John B; Leininger, Medeia Z; Leininger, Zellettia M; Lion; Los Navarros; Loyal, Erika S; Luley, Frank, 1892 1970; Major Mite; Marco, Howard K; Matthewson, Charles; Mauer, Robert M; Mayfield, Doctor; Mc Allister, Craig L; Mc Clain, Evelyn B; Mc Clain, Walter; Mc Closky, Fannie R; Mc Closky, Frank F; Mc Cree, Reno; Mc Pherson, Jimmie; Menageries; Minstrel Music; Minstrel Shows; Montes De Oca; Montes De Oca, Eleanor; Montes De Oca, Gregorio; Mortier, Polydore; Moser, William; Mr. And Mrs. Gargantua The Great; Mrotek, Eugene G; Nagy, Louis, 1903 1984; Nawrath, Joseph; Nelson, Robert H; North, Henry Ringling; North, John Ringling; Olsen, Frederic; Orton, Gordon; Owens, Grace T; Owens, Lester; Patricia, Miss; Pearce, Daniel M; Pearce, Samuel T; Pettee, Pauline; Pizzo, John F; Powell, Albert J; Puppets; Raby, Gilbert A; Reddy, John F., Jr; Remillett, Joseph P; Rhodus, De Bois R; Ringling, Albert, 1852 1916; Ringling, Alfred, 1861 1919; Ringling, Aubrey B; Ringling, Charles, 1868 1926; Ringling, Edith C; Ringling, John, 1866 1936; Ringling, Robert; Ringling, William Otto, 1858 1911; Roark, Charles; Rogers, Wanda L; Rosinsky, Eugene; Rowe, Ethel L; Russell, James J; Saluto, Frank T., 1906 1982; Sandwina, Kati; Schieritz, Alfred E; Schieritz, Johanna H; Schroeder, Louise D. C; Schultz, Fritz; Sea Lions; Side Show Band; Sideshows; Singers; Smith, Don L. (Bangs); Smith, George W; Smith, James A; Smith, Mary T; Snake Charmers; Sothern, Judith; Sprankle, Ruth E; Steele, Bobby C; Strong Men; Strueby, Opal F; Stuart, Betty G; Sword Swallowers; Sword Swallowing; Takahashi, Haruijoshi; Taylor, Alma; Taylor, Milton F; The Akimotos; The Belmonts; The Davisos; The Gauchos; The Hubertos; The Melbournes; The Ming Fus; The Ortans; The Palmeros; The Shyrettos; The Strudons; The Walters; The Wolthings; The Yacopis; Thompson, Bill E; Tiger; Tightrope Walking; Triplett, John S; Truzzi, Massimiliano; Truzzi, Sofia; Twist, Egan; Vagge, Milo; Valdo, Pat; Walsh, Joseph; Ward, Edward; Ward, Joe E; Warner, William H; Warriner, Bobbie; Warriner, Roberta M; Wenzel, Paul F; White, Mary M; Wright, Arthur A; Yacopi, Aida; Yacopi, Alfredo A; Yacopi, Americo J; Yacopi, Maria L; Yacopi, Roberto; Yacopi, Victorio; Zebras
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows Route, Personnel and Statistics for the Season of 1948: together with complete itineraries from 1919 to 1948 inclusive, covering every exhibition date since the famous Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey circuses were united
Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Combined Shows
Aaronson, Sema; Acrobatics; Adams, Louise Craston (Lulu); Adler, Felix, 1895 1960; Aerialists; Albert, Kalsch (Alberti); Alpert, Paul; Animal Trainers; Animals; Armstrong, James S., 1921 1984; Arthur A. Wright's Band; Asgard, Nina; Asgard, Valentina; Attardi, Bella S; Bailey, James Anthony, 1847 1906; Ballantine, William O; Ballet; Bangs, Gerald F; Barbette, Vander, 1904 1973; Barnum, P. T. (Phineas Taylor), 1810 1891; Bears; Bedow, Henry, 1907 1953; Begin, Florence M; Bell, Charlie, 1886 1964; Bersche, Joan; Bertolaccini, Fernando; Big Show Band; Blinko The Circus Clown, 1923 1993; Boginio, Giorgio; Bogino Rechellis; Bogino, Afer Recelli; Bogino, Andli T; Bogino, Aurelio; Bogino, Emore A; Bogino, Iginio; Bogino, Manuelito; Bogino, Ugo; Bostock, Hans C; Bostock, Jack R; Bostock, Johnny R; Bradna, Fred, 1871 1955; Brand, Dolly; Brasno, Betty; Brown, Robert W; Brunn, Francis; Brunn, Lieselotte; Brunn, Michael A; Burch, Ernest, 1923 1993; Buresh, Edward; Burslem, Katharine F; Burson, Arthur T., 1883 1960; Burt, Irene M; Butler, Roland; Carter, Patricia; Caruso, Phyllis Anna; Castro, Emma P; Chapman, Henry R; Chase, Clayton H., 1919 1974; Chiesa, Maria; Chiesa, Sergio; Chiesa, Vanda; Chiesa, Vinicio; Christiani, Aldo; Chrysis De La Grange; Circus; Circus Animals; Circus Bands; Circus Performers; Circus Workers; Circuses (Performances); Clowns; Cole, Bronciel; Comedians; Concello, Art (Arthur M.), 1911 2001; Cooksay, Arthur W; Copeland, Agnes J; Cristea, John A; Cristea, Juliana Mikens; Crocker, James; Damoo Dhotre's Black And Spotted Leopards Pumas And Black Jaguars; Darnay, Lucretia; Davis, Charles N; Davis, Harold; Davis, Minnie; Dhotre, Damoo, 1902 1972 Or 1973; Doll, Gracie, 1899 1970; Doll, Tiny, 1914 2004; Doyle, Michael J; Dunn, William P; Durbin, Carl; Durbin, Dorothy E; Duval, Herbert; Dwarfs; Earles, Daisy; Earles, Gracie (Doll); Earles, Harry; Earles, Tiny (Doll); Eldridge's Stilt Walking Chimpanzees; Eldridge, Arthur; Elephants; Entertainers; Equestrian Drama; Equestrians; Evans, Merle; Favetier, Natal Erna; Feindt, Cilly; Flying Artonys; Flying Brontes; Flying Comets; Foreit, Mars A; Forgeur, Ferdinand; Forgeur, Marcel J; Forgeur, Marie H. B; Forstall, Theo; Fox, Sue; Frohn, Adolf; Frohn, Valentine D; Furmann, Federico R; Furtner, Franz, 1907 1994; Galante, Norma; Gambarutti, Lilliane; Garcia, Dolores Martin; Gautier, Charlotte E; Gautier, Louis; Gautier, Marjorie Jane; Geiger, Joseph; Genders, Grace E; Gerlich, Jacob E; Giants; Giraffe; Glassblowing; Goddard, Homer C; Goetchi, Emil; Goetchi, Hans; Goetchi, Karl; Gorilla; Gorju, Christiane A. (Chrysis De La Grange); Great Alzanas; Great Trisco; Green, Edwin F; Guerre's Sea Lions; Guerre, Armand Louis; Habiba, Mohamed; Hager, Ruth Charlott; Hanlon, Fred; Hanlon, Rose; Hanlon, William A; Helbin, Josephine M; Henderson, Martha W; Hermsen, Friedrich H; Hogan, Lawrence J; Honkola, Ernie W; Horompo, Paul, 1895 1972; Horse Sports; Housman, David L; Human Curiosities; Italian Zavattas; Jacob, Ludwig; Jean O. Boutz & Co; Jerome, Paul, 1889 1960; Joannides, Johnny; Joannides, Nikolas; Johnson, Elzabeth Z; Johnson, George; Jorio, Lambert; Juggling; Jung, Elsie, 1913; Jung, Paul, 1900 1965; Justino Loyals; Kellogg, Robert John; Kelly, Edward F; Kelly, Emmett, 1898 1979; Kelter, Hanka; Kernan, Bonnie H; Killian, Grace; Klaja, Laurencia; Kohl, Edward J; Konselman's Amazing Polar Bears; Konzelman, Martha; Konzelman, Michael; Korianna; Kramer, Kathryn; Krause, Jeannie D; Krause, William A; Krofft, Sid; Kurka, Evelyn Rusti; Lai, Kong Kuen; Lawrence, Joan L; Lawson, Willis E; Lay, Mo; Le Clereq, John B; Lee, Fook Sang; Light, Roberta Louise; Loyal, Ermide C; Loyal, Gustino; Luley, Frank, 1892 1970; Magicians; Mando Sisters; Marschany, Ben M; Marschany, Fatima; Matausch, Agnes V; Matausch, George; Matthies, Rudolf; Mc Closky, Fannie R; Mc Closky, Frank; Mc Gough, Bobby Peck; Mc Grath, Mabel R; Mc Kenzie, Laura May; Mee, Daniel A; Mee, Elsie A; Meluzzi, Armando; Meluzzi, Natalino; Meluzzi, Roberto; Meluzzi, Romano; Menageries; Mietitori, Rosa; Miller, Mary Jane, 1922; Millette, Ira; Ming Sing Stars; Minstrel Music; Minstrel Shows; Mlle. Cilly Feindt And Her Famous Horse; Moeser, Josef; Monte Carlo Aerial Ballet; Morgan, Lloyd; Mortier, Polydore; Mr. And Mrs. Fischer; Mroczkowski, Czeslan; Mroczkowski, Eugenia; Murphy, Dolores Ann; Nagy, Louis, 1903 1984; Nawrath, Joseph; Neilsen, Rasmus; Nelson, Henry; Nelson, John; Nelson, Robert H; North, Henry Ringling; North, John Ringling; Ona, Antonio Garia; Orators; Orton, Myron A; Pahin, Andre; Pahin, Rose Gould; Palanque, Madeline Claude; Palanque, Serge; Parent, Rusti E; Parry, Baby Irene; Patricia, Miss; Percival, Jean; Perez, Carlos; Perez, Elena; Perezoffs And Rolando; Petry, Barbara; Powell, Albert J; Priddy, Lloyd; Puppets; Pushnik, Freda; Rachmann, Liselotte; Rairden, Walter; Recelli, Monaldeco; Recelli, Renzo; Reilly, John J; Rhamy, Delbert C; Riding Bostocks With Marion Seifert; Riding Zoeppes With Cucciola; Ringling, Albert, 1852 1916; Ringling, Alfred, 1861 1919; Ringling, Charles, 1868 1926; Ringling, Edith C; Ringling, John, 1866 1936; Ringling, Robert Edward; Ringling, William Otto, 1858 1911; Rizzi, Genzana A; Rizzi, Pasqualino; Robbins, Anna; Robbins, Williams; Robeni, Brik; Robeni, Ider B; Robenis Marschany; Rockwell, Jean; Roka, Sandor; Roland, Henry; Romanas; Rudolph Mathies' Giant Royal Bengal Tigers; Russo, Lorraine; Saluto, Frank T., 1906 1982; San, Sio Chu; San, Sio Lien; San, Sio Yu; San, Sio Zea; San, Vera; San, Yoa Chin; Schmitt, Hugo; Sea Lions; Seawell, Joyce Fay; Sharkey, Joan; Sideshows; Simpson, Ann K; Singlee, Moss Kutty; Sleeter, Jean; Snake Charmers; Spanish Zavattas; Springer, Arthur L; Stephan, Carl; Strong Men; Sword Swallowing; The Canestrellis; The Chiesas; The Goetchis; The Joanidies; The Los Onas; The Merions; Thomas, J. C; Tiger; Tightrope Walking; Travaglia, Leopoldo; Triplett, John S; Tupper, Waldo T; Uebel, Irene M; Ugo Troupe; Valdo, Pat; Van Gurpe, Anna D; Vanderbemden, Marguerite Von Gysel; Walchshofer, Johanna; Walker, Macie L; Wallenda, Jenny; Ward, Joe E; Wenzel, Paul F; White, Marie; Wight, Elizabeth; Wong, George; Wong, Rosa; Woods, George D; World Famous Christian Dog's Parade; Yong, Shou; Zavatto, Antonia; Zavatto, Emilio; Zavatto, Rodolfo; Zenner, Bernard; Zenner, Yvette; Zoppe, Emma Z; Zoppe, Giovanni Z; Zoppe, Tosca
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows Route, Personnel and Statistics for the Season of 1943 Together with Complete Itineraries from 1919 to 1943 Inclusive, Covering Every Exhibition Date since the Famous Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circuses were United
Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Combined Shows
Acrobatics; Adler, Felix, 1895 1960; Aerialists; Anderson, Kenneth A; Anderson, Patricia; Animal Trainers; Animals; Antalek, Angela; Antalek, Valerie; Ardelty, Elly; Baby Thelma; Bailey, James Anthony, 1847 1906; Ballet; Barnum, P. T. (Phineas Taylor), 1810 1891; Bell, Charlie, 1886 1964; Bendal, Ann K; Bertei, Massimo; Big Show Band; Blackface Entertainers; Borbus, Josephine A; Bradna, Ella, 1879 1957; Brannock Troupe; Brazilian Troubadours; Buehner, Shirley K; Burak, Anne; Burson, Arthur T., 1883 1960; Butler, Estelle; Butler, Roland; Campbell, Georgina; Carmen, Senorita; Catarzi, Albertina L; Catarzi, Aldemaro; Cattelle, Camille; Changing Of The Guard; Charlton, John; Chase, Clayton H., 1919 1974; Childers, Natalie; Circus; Circus Animals; Circus Bands; Circus Performers; Circus Workers; Circuses (Performances); Clark, Elizabeth L; Clark, Katherine L; Clausen, Constance C; Clowns; Comedians; Concello, Antoinette; Concello, Art (Arthur M.), 1911 2001; Conn, Harold; Conn, Jerry H; Cooper, Thelma; Corsi, Adeline; Court, Alfred, 1883 1977; Dahlgren, Alfred; Dancers; Dann, Harry D; Darney, Aileen; Davies, Jean L; Davies, Ruth T; Day, Elden; De Maso, Bianca M; De Miller, Eva; De Miller, Olga; De Wolfe, Fred C; De Young, June; De Young, Mary Jane; Deisler, Juanita S; Deisler, Roy R; Doll Family; Doll, Gracie, 1899 1970; Doll, Tiny, 1914 2004; Donahue, J. C; Drake, Georgia Anne; Dunn, William P., Jr; Duval, Herbert; Dwarfs; Earhart, Paul; Earles, Daisy; Earles, Harry; Elephants; Elmlund Theodore Tex; Entertainers; Equestrian Drama; Equestrians; Evans, Merle; Fay, Joyce; Feliz, Nabor; Fiala, Franz; Fiala, Viktoria; Fischer, Mr; Fischer, Mrs; Fisher, Madeline M; Flying Comets; Flying Concello Troupe; Forgeur, Fernand; Forgeur, Marcel J; Forgeur, Marie H. B; Frederick, Leonard; Frohn, Valentine D; Galasso, Claudia Loyal; Galasso, Joseph; Garner, Marguerite; Gasca, Simona Loyal; Geiger, Joseph; Genders, Grace E; Genders, Tuffy, 1911 1997; Giants; Goddard, Homer C; Gorilla; Grant, Lois M; Griffin, J. R; Haley, James A; Harrison, Edith; Heinze, Walter K; Herman, Violetta M; Hill, Geraldine M; Hobson, Sarah E; Hopper, Arthur R; Horompo, Paul, 1895 1972; Horse Sports; Human Curiosities; Ingkai, Marjorie; Ivanov, Marin; Jacob, Ludwig; Jahn, Dolly L; Jerome, Paul, 1889 1960; Johnson, Jane; Jones, Charlotte R; Jorio, Lambert; Jubilee Minstrel; Juggling; Jung, Elsie, 1913; Jung, Paul, 1900 1965; Kelley, F. Beverly; Kelly, Edward F; Kelly, Emmett, 1898 1979; Kelter, Hanka; Kerr, Robert A; Klima, Bernhard; Konyot, Alexander A; Konyot, Arturo; Konyot, Beatrice A; Konyot, Feodora; Konyot, Maria; Kovar, Harry; Kovar, May; Lalage; Lay, Mo; Le Clereq, John B; Le Maire, Patricia; Leininger, Medeia Z; Leininger, Zellettia M; Lion; Lopez Trio; Lopez, Juan; Los Aseveras Troupe; Loyal Repensky Troupe; Loyal, Alfonso; Loyal, Ermide C; Loyal, Jules; Loyal, Justino J; Loyal, Stella; Luley, Frank, 1892 1970; Mabry, Juanita; Mackey, Jeanne; Magicians; Major Mite; Marco, Howard K; Marlin, Catherine; Marlowe, Sarah T; Marlowe, Theol N; Martin, Bob; Maxwell, Charlotte S; Mc Ivor, Don C; Mc Kenzie, Laura May; Menageries; Miller, Florence; Miller, Mary; Minstrel Music; Minstrel Shows; Montes De Oca, Eleanor; Montes De Oca, Gregorio; Montgomery, Lawrence J; Mortier, Polydore; Moser, William; Mr. And Mrs. Gargantua The Great; Muralli, Violet E; Nagy, Louis, 1903 1984; Naitto Troupe; Nawrath, Joseph; Neilsen, Rasmus; Nelson, Harry; Nelson, John; Neuburger, Alexander; Neuburger, Nio; Nitsch, Betty I; Orton, Gordon; Ostermaier, Albert Eric; Ostermaier, Herman M; Pape, Percy; Patricia, Miss; Peck, Bernice T; Perez, Zefta Loyal; Peters, Margaret; Pisarski, Bernard; Pushnik, Freda; Reddy, John F., Jr; Remillett, Joseph P; Reynolds And Donegan Six Pyramid Skaters; Reynolds, Earle; Reynolds, Nellie D; Rhineheart, Miriam A; Rhodus, De Bois R; Ringling, Albert, 1852 1916; Ringling, Alfred, 1861 1919; Ringling, Aubrey B; Ringling, Charles, 1868 1926; Ringling, John, 1866 1936; Ringling, Mrs. Charles; Ringling, Robert; Ringling, William Otto, 1858 1911; Ritchey, Wilberta J; Rittely, Harry; Roth, Hedwig K; Roth, Wolfgang; Saluto, Frank T., 1906 1982; Schieritz, Alfred E; Schieritz, Johanna H; Shepherd, Franklin A; Sideshows; Siegrist, Bebe C; Siegrist, Joanne P; Siegrist, Joseph P; Singers; Sleeter, Eloise Jean; Sleeter, Mitzi; Smith, Don L. (Bangs); Smith, George W; Snake Charmers; South American Entertainers; Sprankle, Ruth E; Starke, Curt B; Steele, Bobby C; Stephan, Carl; Storey, Wilson F; Strong Men; Sword Swallowers; Sword Swallowing; The Del Montes; Thompson, Chick; Tiger; Towson, Marjorie J; Tremblay, Shirley Joy; Triplett, John S; Troubadours; Truzzi, Massimiliano; Truzzi, Sofia; Tull, Betty Jean; Twist, Egan; Tyler, Tobias E; Unicycling Shyretto Trio; Valdo, Pat; Wallenda Troupe; Wallenda, Elizabeth; Wallenda, Helen, 1910 1996; Wallenda, Herman; Wallenda, Karl; Wallenda, Martha; Ward, Dorothy W; Ward, Edward; Warfield, Pauline P; Warner, William H; Webster, Vivian G; Wenzel, Paul F; Wolthing Troupe; Woods, George D; Wright, Arthur A; Yu, Kapitolina; Yu, Tchen Dian; Yu, Walja; Zacchini, Germana L
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows Route, Personnel and Statistics for the Season of 1942 Together with Complete Itineraries from 1919 to 1942 Inclusive, Covering Every Exhibition Date since the Famous Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circuses were United
Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Combined Shows
Acrobatics; Ada, Mademoiselle; Adler, Felix, 1895 1960; Aerialists; Alpert, Paul; Anderson, Carolyn M; Anderson, Kenneth A; Anderson, Lawrence R; Animal Trainers; Animals; Antalek, Angela; Antalek, Valerie; Ardelty, Elly; Artello Girls; Aserceras Konyot Troupe; Augustine, Beatrice; Baby Betty; Bailey, James Anthony, 1847 1906; Ballet; Ballet Of The Elephants; Barnum, P. T. (Phineas Taylor), 1810 1891; Battiste, Gallizzioli; Bears; Bedow, Henry, 1907 1953; Bell, Charlie, 1886 1964; Bent, Madeline A; Bertei, Massimo; Blackface Entertainers; Bossler, John T; Bradna, Ella, 1879 1957; Burak, Anne; Burson, Arthur T., 1883 1960; Butler, Estelle; Butler, Roland; Campbell, George R; Chambot, Georges; Chase, Clayton H., 1919 1974; Circus; Circus Animals; Circus Bands; Circus Performers; Circus Workers; Circuses (Performances); Clark, Katherine L; Clausen, Constance C; Clowns; Comedians; Concello, Antoinette; Concello, Art (Arthur M.), 1911 2001; Court, Alfred, 1883 1977; Court, Renee P; Crampton, Hope; Cristiani Family; Cristiani, Adolfo; Cristiani, Aldo; Cristiani, Carmen; Cristiani, Corcaita; Cristiani, Cosetta; Cristiani, Emma V; Cristiani, Ernesto; Cristiani, June; Cristiani, Lucio; Cristiani, Macchaquita; Cristiani, Marion A; Cristiani, Mogador E; Cristiani, Nina C; Cristiani, Ortans; Cristiani, Oscar A; Cristiani, Paraito; Cristiani, Pietro; Cristiani, Pilade; Cristiani, Remo; Cristiani, Ruggero D; Cropper, Thomas; Dainty Dottie; Dancers; Dann, Harry D; Darnay, Lucretia; Day, Elden; De Wolfe, Fred C; De Young, June; De Young, Mary Jane; Dean, Jerull M; Deisler, Juanita S; Deisler, Roy R; Dhotre, Damoo, 1902 1972 Or 1973; Dogs; Doll Family; Doll, Gracie, 1899 1970; Doll, Tiny, 1914 2004; Donahue, J. C; Dunn, William P., Jr; Durbin, Carl; Duval, Herbert; Dwarfs; Earles, Daisy; Earles, Harry; Elephants; Elmlund, Theodore Tex; Entertainers; Equestrian Drama; Equestrians; Escape Artists; Faye, Joyce; Feliz, Nabor; Fioretta Troupe; Fischer, Mr; Fischer, Mrs; Flying Comets; Flying Concellos; Flying Randolls; Forgeur, Marcel J; Forgeur, Marie H. B; Franasari, Benito; Garner, Marguerite; Geiger, Joseph; Genders, Grace E; Genders, Tuffy, 1911 1997; Giants; Giraffe; Glorioso, Helga E; Glorioso, Santo; Goddard, Homer C; Gorilla; Gould, Joseph L; Gregory, Doris C; Gregory, Vivian E; Griffin, J. R; Gutridge, Kenneth K; Hackett, Betty M; Harris, Wilbur; Hawaiian Entertainers; Heinze, Walter K; Hill, Geraldine M; Hill, Jacqueline E; Hopper, Arthur R; Horompo, Paul, 1895 1972; Horse Sports; Hubbard, Skeets; Human Curiosities; Hunt, Bonnie; Hunt, Gloria; Ingkai, Marjorie; Ivanov, Marin; Ivanov, Peu; Iwanoff, Athanas; Iwanoff, Lona; Jacob, Ludwig; Jahn, Dolly L; Jerome, Paul, 1889 1960; Johnson, Jane; Jorio, Lambert; Jubilee Minstrels; Juggling; Jung, Elsie, 1913; Jung, Paul, 1900 1965; Kelly, Emmett, 1898 1979; Kelter, Hanka; Kerr, Robert A; Keystein, Vanessa V; Konyot, Alexander; Konyot, Arthur; Konyot, Maria; Konyot, May Fedora; Kramer, June M; Krause, Anna L; La Vine, Claire; Landolf, Bluch; Langevin, Alfred; Lay, Mo; Le Clereq, John B; Lion; Lopez Trio; Lopez, Juan; Luley, Frank; Mader, Roberta W; Magicians; Marco, Howard K; Markle, Margie; Martin, Bob; Matthewson, Charles; Mayfield, Doctor; Mc Closky, Fannie R; Mc Cree, Reno; Mc Ivor, Don; Menageries; Minstrel Music; Minstrel Shows; Mixon, James E; Monkeys; Montes De Oca, Eleanor; Montes De Oca, Gregorio; Morlowe, Theol N; Mortier, Polydore; Moser, William; Mr. And Mrs. Gargantua The Great; Myers, Meta; Nagy, Louis, 1903 1984; Nawrath, Joseph; Neilsen, Rasmus; Nelson, Henry; Nelson, John; Nelson, Robert H; Neuburger, Alexander; Neuburger, Nio; Nitsch, Betty I; North, Henry Ringling; North, John Ringling; Orton, Gordon; Pape, Percy; Patricia, Miss; Powell, Albert J; Reddy, John F., Jr; Remillett, Joseph P; Reynolds, Andrea; Rhodus, De Bois R; Ringling, Albert, 1852 1916; Ringling, Alfred, 1861 1919; Ringling, Aubrey B; Ringling, Charles, 1868 1926; Ringling, Edith C; Ringling, John, 1866 1936; Ringling, Robert; Ringling, William Otto, 1858 1911; Saluto, Frank T., 1906 1982; Sampson, Selena; Schieritz, Alfred E; Schieritz, Johanna H; Sea Lions; Shackles; Shepherd, Franklin A; Sideshows; Siegrist, Bebe C; Siegrist, Joanne P; Singers; Smith, Don L. (Bangs); Snake Charmers; Sprankle, Ruth E; Springer, Arthur L; Steele, Bobby C; Sword Swallowers; Sword Swallowing; The Davisos; The De Ocas; The Del Montes; The Dianes; The Lazaros; The Mardons; The Naittos; The Ortans; The Pilades; The Ritters; The Shyrettos; The Wallendas; The Walters; The Wolthings; Three Fernandez Troupes; Tiebor, Edward A; Tiebor, John W. (Cap); Tiger; Tremblay, Shirley Joy; Triplett, John S; Truzzi, Massimiliano; Truzzi, Sofia; Tull, Betty Jean; Twist, Egan; Tyler, Tobias E; Valdo, Pat; Wallenda, Elizabeth; Wallenda, Helen, 1910 1996; Wallenda, Herman; Wallenda, Karl; Ward, Edward; Warfield, Patty; Warner, William H; Wenzel, Paul F; White, Mary M; Winters, Dorothy K; Woods, George D; Yu, Kapitolina; Yu, Tchen Dian; Yu, Walja
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