American; Art And The War; Bald Eagle; Civil War; Civil War, 1861 1865; Covers (Philately); Emblems, State; Envelopes (Stationery); Flags; History; Massachusetts; Patriotic Envelopes; Pictorial Works; United States
@ Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library
African Americans; Alabama; Children; Education; Emblems, State; Flags; Government; Governors; Politics & Government; School Children; Siegelman, Don, 1946; State Flags; United States
@ Alabama Department of Archives and History, 624 Washington Avenue, Montgomery, Alabama 36130
American; Art And The War; Civil War; Civil War, 1861 1865; Columbia (Symbolic Character); Covers (Philately); Emblems, State; Envelopes (Stationery); Flags; History; Maine In Art; Patriotic Envelopes; United States
@ Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library
African American Civic Leaders; African American Civil Rights Workers; African American Clergy; African American Political Activists; African Americans; Atlanta; Civic Leaders; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Demonstrations; Civil Rights Movements; Civil Rights Workers; Clergy; Columbus; Communication; Communities; Community Activists; Community Leadership; Community Power; Demonstrations; Direct Action; Discrimination; Emblems, State; Flags; Georgia; Government; Governors; History; Microphone; Municipal Government; Municipal Officials And Employees; Negotiation; Polarization (Social Sciences); Political Activists; Politics And Government; Prejudices; Press; Press Conferences; Publicity; Race Discrimination; Race Relations; Race Riots; Racism; Reporters And Reporting; Riots; Social Conditions; Social Conflict; Social Influence; States; United States; Whites
@ Walter J. Brown Media Archives and Peabody Awards Collection