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South Carolina African American history calendar 2017
AT & T (Firm)
African Americans; Biography; Calendars; Coleman Singleton, Sharonda; Emanuel Ame Church (Charleston, S.C.); Hurd, Cynthia Graham; Jackson, Susie J; Lance, Ethel Lee; Middleton, De Payne Vontrese; Pinckney, Clementa C; Sanders, Tywanza; Simmons, Daniel; South Carolina; Thompson, Myra Singleton Quarles
Exhibition announcement for Sapphire, you've come a long way baby
Abdulrashid, Eileen Bohanan, Gloria Jackson, Suzanne Meo, Yvonne Cole Nengudi, Senga
Abdulrashid, Eileen; African American Artists; African Americans; Artists; Bohanan, Gloria; Gallery 32 (Los Angeles, Ca.); Jackson, Suzanne; Meo, Yvonne Cole; Nengudi, Senga; Women; Women Artists
A Souvenir of the Season of 1900 Adam Forepaugh and Sells Brothers
Adam Forepaugh & Sells Bros. Circus
Acrobatics; Adair, Art, (Arthur); Adair, Dot; Aerialists; Albinos; Animal Trainers; Animals; Arcaris; Arcaris, G., Signor, 1854 1941; Bailey, James Anthony, 1847 1906; Bears; Bennett, Sam Rooney; Bickel, George L; Bicyclists; Big Band; Bonney, Charles A., 1854; Brachard, Julia; Brachard, Paul; Camels; Canney, Charles; Chariot Racing; Circus; Circus Animals; Circus Bands; Circus Performers; Circus Workers; Circuses (Performances); Clairvoyants; Clark, Harry; Clements, Will E; Cleo; Clifton, William; Cline, Mamie; Clowns; Cole, William Washington, 1847 1915; Connor, George Vincent; Contortionists; Corriea, Amelia; Corriea, John; Corriea, Marrietta; Cycling; Davis, Burt; De Vene, Kittie; De Vene, Paul; De Wolfe, F. C; Devan, Edward; Dockrill, Madame; Dockrill, Richard; Dockrill, Rose; Dogs; Donovon, Annie; Drum And Bugle Corps And Ushers; Dwarfs; Elephants; Entertainers; Equestrian Drama; Equestrians; Evans, T. L; First Band; Forepaugh, Adam, 1831 1890; Galetti, Fred; Garnell, Joseph; Georgia Minstrels And Orchestra; Giants; Gorman, William E; Heater, Edward, 1869; Hofstetter, Fred P; Horse Sports; Howe, Albert; Human Curiosities; Jackson, Gaynell; Jackson, George; Jackson, Katie; Jackson, Leo; Jockeys; Juggling; Karlavaughn, George Grant; Keko; Kennard, Charles (Kid); Kennard, Edward; Kincade, James; Knife Throwers; La Nole, Edward; La Nole, John; Lowande, Alec; Lowande, Carrie; Lowande, Mamie O; Lowande, Oscar; Lowe, Lillian; Lowe, Walter; Lowery, P. G. (Perry George), 1869 1942; Lozell, Roger; Major Ray And Wife; Mc Cree, Reno; Mc Nulty, John; Melrose, Clara; Melville, Frank J; Menageries; Merrick, A. N; Merrick, William N; Millette, Albert; Millette, Ernest; Millette, Jakie; Millette, William; Minada; Minstrel Music; Minstrel Shows; Monkeys; Oakley, Frank (Slivers); Orators; Palmists; Peanuts; Potter, Ella; Potter, Harry; Potter, Roy; Potter, Thomas; Prevost, Louis; Princess Anna; Prof. Lowry's Colored Band And Orchestra; Punch And Judy; Reed, Francis; Ryan, Daniel; Sain; Schaar, Clara; Schaar, Will; Sea Lions; Seals (Animals); Second Band; Sells, Allen E; Sells, Ephraim, 1834 1898; Sells, Lewis, 1841 1907; Sells, Peter, 1845 1904; Semada; Sherrah Quartette; Shields, Anne; Shields, Shade; Sideshows; Signor And Rosie Arcaris; Snakes; Spaeth, W. T; Stickney, Emma; Stickney, Robert D; Stirk, Anita; Stirk, Denny M; Telepathy; Thompson, C. N; Watson, Harry; Weitzel, Albert; Weitzel, Josie; West, James G; Whitby, George; Willis, Trixie; Wilton, Dal; Woodward, Captain; Yamada; Yamada Japanese Troupe; Yamaguchi, J; Zorella, Hughey
Official Route Book of the Adam Forepaugh and Sells Bros Combined Circuses Season of 1898
Adam Forepaugh & Sells Bros. Circus
Acrobatic Sextette; Acrobatics; Aerialists; Animal Trainers; Animals; Arabs; Bailey, James Anthony, 1847 1906; Barge Of Cleopatra; Barley Grocery Co; Baum, Lula; Baum, Wesley; Bennett, S. R; Bennett, Sam Rooney; Bickett, Alisha; Bickett, Grace; Bickett, Mrs; Bickett, William; Big Band; Bliss, Sam; Bowman Bros; Breslauer Bill Posting Co; Broncos; Bronson And Folsom; Brothers Lassard; Burnett, J. R; C. Strohmeier And Bro; Capital Hotel; Carney, The Grocer; Carvin And Sparr; Catlin Bros; Central Meat Market; Circus; Circus Animals; Circus Bands; Circus Performers; Circus Workers; Circuses (Performances); City Bill Posting Company; City Meat Market; Clowns; Cochran, Wade; Cole, William Washington, 1847 1915; Colonel Cooper The Tallest Man In The World; Comedians; Concert Orchestra; Condon Prevost, Thos; Contortionists; Cook, J. F; Cooper, Colonel Henry Alexander; Cream City Bill Posting Co; D. E. Leary; D. W. Ow; Davenport's Palace Livery And Feed Stable; Davenport, A. M; Davenport, May; De Mora, Anna; De Mora, Frank; De Vene, Kittie; De Vene, Paul; Dewolfe, Fred C; Divers; Dogs; Drum Corps; Dwarfs; E. H. Klock And Son; Eames And Co; Eau Clair House; Elephants; Entertainers; Equestrian Drama; Equestrians; Erickson And Co; Evans, T. D; Evans, T. L; F. H. Brunner; Factor, C. A; First Parade Band; Forepaugh's Marvelous Dancing Elephants; Forepaugh, Adam, 1831 1890; Fortune Tellers; Four Unparalleled Bicketts; Frank J. Parker; French Meat Market; Gannon Grocery And Mfg. Co; Garnel, Joseph; Geo. W. Owens; George H. Wilder; Giants; Gran Ensign; H. C. Farmer; Hagan, J. E; Hanger, Oscar; Hattenback And Magee Co. Bacon And Van Alstine; Heinzman, F. C; Hill, Amelia; Hinds, W. H; Hobson, Estella; Hobson, Homer D; Hoffman, J. A; Horizontal Bar; Horse Sports; Horses; Hotel Columbia; Hotel Webster; Howden, Jennie; Human Curiosities; Humphreys, C. H; Jackson, Allie; Jeff Ford Big Meat Market; Jockeys; John Coates; Jones, Frank F; Kerfield, A. F; Kerfield, Alf; Kerfield, Lillie; Kline, Mamie; L. N. Scot City Bill Poster; La Rue, Henry; La Rue, John; La Rue, William, Jr; Lassard, David; Lassard, Lewis; Lee, Victor; Lehfeldt, J. A; Leonard, George (Dophie Glue); Livingston, Lewis; Livingston, Maude; Livingston, May; Long, C. E; Lowande, William; Lowe, Lillie; Lowe, Walter; Lozell, Roger; Luker, Joseph; Madame Yucca; Madison, A. W; Magicians; Maher, J. F; Main Show Band; Major Ray And Wife: King And Queen Of The Lilliputian World; Mason City Packing Co; Mason, James F; Mc Indoo, James; Mc Intyre, T. B; Mc Keever, C. E; Menageries; Merchants' Hotel; Merrick, A. N; Merrick, William M; Miller, Frank O; Minstrel Music; Minstrel Shows; Murray, John; Murray, Mollie; N. Stanford; Nagle, H. A; New Bronson Hotel; O'gorman, W; Octavian Troupe Of Sixteen Roman Soldiers And Athletes; Orators; Pace, W. H; Paul Splash; Perry Steinman Meats; Pioneer Meat Market; Prevost, Le Roy; Pritchett, Charles; Prokop, C. R; Prokop, Chas; R. W. Long; Racing; Ralya Meat Market; Ratcliff And Witten; Ray, Jennie, 1871 1915; Ray, Major, 1860 1936; Redford, J. H; Reed, France; Rexo, Edward; Rexo, Winnie; Ryan, Dan; S. W. Adamson; Sascha; Sascha The Wire Haired Man; Schult, Colonel Magnus; Sea Lions; Seals (Animals); Second Parade Band; Seeley, Charles W; Seibert's Grocery; Sells, Allen; Sells, Ephraim, 1834 1898; Sells, Lewis, 1841 1907; Sells, Peter, 1845 1904; Shade, W. T; Shallcross Bill Posting Co; Shooting Stars; Side Show Band; Sideshows; Singers; Sioux City Bill Posting And Advertising Co; Smith, O. L; Standard Oil Company Of New Jersey; Stutton, Bryson; Sunlin, Louis F; Syrians; Taylor, Harry; The Hobsons; Thorp, H. H; Three Rexas; Tightrope Walking; Todd, F. E; Tustin, Paul J; Upham Manufacturing Co; Van Antwerp And Westering; W. A. Loe Bill Poster And Distributor; W. E. Jett Merchantile Co; W. N. Merrick's Famous Concert Band; W. T. Bell; Washburn Bros; Washburn, Thos; Washburn, Will; Weitzel, Albert; Weitzel, W. E; White, Solomon P., Approximately 1867 1943; Wilbur, W. W; Wild Men; Wild West Shows; Wonderful Livingstons; Woodruff, Mason And Draper Co; Woodward, Joseph; Woodward, Professor; Woodward, William; Yurkey, Arthur; Zorella, H
Route Book Forepaugh and Sells Bros. Combined Shows Season 1896
Adam Forepaugh & Sells Bros. Circus
Acrobatics; Adele, Mlle; Aerialists; Albion, John; Animal Trainers; Animals; Arrigossi Sisters; Arrigossi, Adeta; Arrigossi, Lulu; Bailey, James Anthony, 1847 1906; Bain, Jack; Baum, Lula; Baum, Wesley; Beatty, Joseph; Bennett, Sam; Bicyclists; Big Band; Brannigan, Patsey; Brinn, Henry; Carlosso; Carroll, Charles; Carter, A. P; Celestine, Mlle; Circus; Circus Animals; Circus Bands; Circus Performers; Circus Workers; Circuses (Performances); Clowns; Comedians; Concert Orchestra; Contortionists; Cook, Richard; Corina, Mlle; Cradoc; Cradoc And Carlosso; Curtis, Mr; Cyclists; Dancers; De Van, Frank; De Van, Harry; De Van, Thomas; Deary, Charles; Diantho, Mlle; Dodge, Mr; Dogs; Donkeys; Dooley, Bernie; Dwarfs; Elephants; Elmo, Miss; English, Albert; Entertainers; Equestrian Drama; Equestrians; Evans, Thomas L; Faustina, Mlle; Felix, M; First Parade Band; Florence, John; Flying Meteors; Folley, Ed; Forepaugh's Marvelous Dancing Elephants; Forepaugh, Adam, 1831 1890; Garnell, Joseph; Giants; Gorman, William E; Harrison, Henry; Hayward, Maud; Heifner, Doc; Heifner, Elsie; Henry, William; Hickey, James; Hilton, Frank; Hobson, Homer; Hobson, Stella; Horse Sports; Huffman, Charles; Human Curiosities; Jackson, Annie; Jackson, Gaynell; Jackson, George M; Jackson, Mamie; Jacobson, John; Jeal Sisters; Jeal, Dollie; Jeal, Linda; Job, A. L; Jockeys; Jones, Frank; Juggling; Kennard Brothers; Kennard, Charles; Kennard, Edward; Kennard, Kid; Kline, Mamie; La Mack, Harry; Lee, Jennie; Lee, Pauline; Lee, Victor; Leona, Mlle; Leonard, George (Dophie Glue); Liebold, Lillie; Living Illustrations Of History And Art; Long, Charles B; Long, T. B; Lowe, Lillian; Lowe, Walter; Lozell, Roger; Magicians; Mahen, Joseph; Mason And Jones; Mason, James; Mc Cormick, Ed; Mc Donald, S. J; Mc Farland, Mrs. W. H; Mc Farland, W. H; Mc Intyre, Lizette; Melville, Frank J; Menageries; Millette, Albert; Millette, William; Minstrel Shows; Monkeys; Murray, Marshal; Olbert, Frank; Orford, Miss; Orford, William; Orton, Bernard; Palmer, Inez; Parade Buglers; Parade Drum Corps; Patrice, Mlle; Potts, J. W; Prewitt, Charles; Professor Elmo; Ray, Jennie, 1871 1915; Ray, Major, 1860 1936; Rivers, Ed; Robertson, William; Robinson, W. A; Rogers, Mr; Roland, Henry; Russell, George; Ryan, Denny; Scottish Bagpipers; Sea Lions; Seals (Animals); Second Parade Band; Sells, Ephraim, 1834 1898; Sells, Lewis, 1841 1907; Sells, Peter, 1845 1904; Sharp, William; Sherwood, Roy; Shields, Mrs. W. A; Shields, W. A; Shilling, Charles; Shuler, John; Side Show Band; Sideshows; Singers; Skating; Slevin, Dan; Smith, Louis; Smith, Will; Snake Charmers; Speelman, William; Starr, George Oscar, 1849 1915; Stirk Family; Stirk, Flora; Stirk, George M; Stirk, Mrs. Thomas; Stirk, Nettie; Stirk, Professor Thomas; Stirk, Viola; Strobridge, James; Strong Men; Stumpf, George; Sutcliffe Brothers; Sutcliffe, David; Sutcliffe, Jennie; Sutcliffe, John; Sutcliffe, Tom; Swartz, Robert; Talbot, M. C; Tasco, Mlle; Teel, George; Telepathy; The De Vans; The Hobsons; The Jacksons; The Millettes; The Orfords; Thorp, Henry H; Tucker, George; Uncle Bernie Dooley And A Mule; Uncle Sam Bennett And A Mule; Waller, Harry; Wallett, Miss; Wallett, William Frederick; Weitzel, Albert; White, Solomon P., Approximately 1867 1943; Wild Men; Williams, Mr; Woodward, Joseph; Woodward, William; Zorella, Hughey
Alabama player, probably Major Ogilvie (#42), scoring a touchdown during the 1980 Sugar Bowl game at the Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Adams, Robert
African Americans; Aydelette, William Leslie; Brock, Mike; Bunch, Jim; Football; Football Players; Jackson, Billy Thurman; New Orleans (La.); Ogilvie, Major; Sports; Universities; University Of Alabama; University Of Arkansas
Members of the 1971 football team at the University of Alabama.
Adams, Robert
African Americans; Football; Football Players; Jackson, Wilbur, 1951; Mitchell, John, 1951; School Integration; Sports; Tuscaloosa (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.); Universities; Universities & Colleges; University Of Alabama
Members of the 1971 football team at the University of Alabama.
Adams, Robert
African Americans; Football; Football Players; Jackson, Wilbur, 1951; Mitchell, John, 1951; School Integration; Sports; Tuscaloosa (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.); Universities; Universities & Colleges; University Of Alabama
Bo Jackson at Legion Field in Birmingham, Alabama, the day of the 1983 Auburn - Alabama game.
Adams, Robert; Jones; Troncale, Bernard
African Americans; Auburn University; Birmingham (Ala.); Football; Football Players; Jackson, Bo, 1962; Jefferson County (Ala.); Sports
Bo Jackson at Legion Field in Birmingham, Alabama, the day of the 1983 Auburn - Alabama game.
Adams, Robert; Jones; Troncale, Bernard
African Americans; Auburn University; Birmingham (Ala.); Football; Football Players; Jackson, Bo, 1962; Jefferson County (Ala.); Sports
Bo Jackson at Legion Field in Birmingham, Alabama, the day of the 1983 Auburn - Alabama game.
Adams, Robert; Jones; Troncale, Bernard
African Americans; Auburn University; Birmingham (Ala.); Football; Football Players; Jackson, Bo, 1962; Jefferson County (Ala.); Sports
Bo Jackson during the 1983 Auburn - Alabama game at Legion Field in Birmingham, Alabama.
Adams, Robert; Jones; Troncale, Bernard
African Americans; Auburn University; Birmingham (Ala.); Football; Football Players; Jackson, Bo, 1962; Jefferson County (Ala.); Sports
Bo Jackson during the 1983 Auburn - Alabama game at Legion Field in Birmingham, Alabama.
Adams, Robert; Jones; Troncale, Bernard
African Americans; Auburn University; Birmingham (Ala.); Football; Football Players; Jackson, Bo, 1962; Jefferson County (Ala.); Sports
Bo Jackson on the sidelines during the 1983 Auburn - Alabama game at Legion Field in Birmingham, Alabama.
Adams, Robert; Jones; Troncale, Bernard
African Americans; Auburn University; Birmingham (Ala.); Football; Football Players; Jackson, Bo, 1962; Jefferson County (Ala.); Sports
Bo Jackson on the sidelines during the 1983 Auburn - Alabama game at Legion Field in Birmingham, Alabama.
Adams, Robert; Jones; Troncale, Bernard
African Americans; Auburn University; Birmingham (Ala.); Football; Football Players; Jackson, Bo, 1962; Jefferson County (Ala.); Sports
Bo Jackson on the sidelines during the 1983 Auburn - Alabama game at Legion Field in Birmingham, Alabama.
Adams, Robert; Jones; Troncale, Bernard
African Americans; Auburn University; Birmingham (Ala.); Football; Football Players; Jackson, Bo, 1962; Jefferson County (Ala.); Sports
Reply to Professor Tayler Lewis' review of Rev. Henry J. Van Dyke's sermon on Biblical slavery; also, to his other articles on the same subject
Agnew, John Holmes. [from old catalog]
Lewis, Tayler, 1802 1877; Slaver; Slavery; United States; Van Dyke, Henry Jackson, 1822 1891. [From Old Catalog]
Hartford NAACP Former President Dr. Sedrick Rawlins Interview and Transcript
Agosto, Jasmin Grudzinski, Elizabeth
African American Air Pilots; African American Business Enterprises; African American Churches; African American Civic Leaders; African American Civil Rights Workers; African American Dentists; African American Men; African American Veterans; African Americans; Christian, Percy; Civil Rights; Connecticare (Hartford, Conn.); Connecticut State Board Of Parole (Conn.); Cromwell, Ella Little; Dentists; Hartford Ministerial Alliance (Hartford, Conn.); Jackson, C. Roy; Johnson, Arthur; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; Nelson, Martha Rea; Older African Americans; Rawlins, Alice; Rawlins, Sedrick; Ritter, George J; Ritter, Matthew D; Ritter, Thomas D; Smith, Robert; Smith, Wilbur; Universities; University Of Connecticut (Storrs, Conn.); University Of Connecticut Health Center (Farmington, Conn.); Urban African Americans
Hartford NAACP Former President Thirman L. Milner Interview and transcript
Agosto, Jasmin Mercado, Christina
African American Churches; African American Civic Leaders; African American Civil Rights Workers; African American Men; African Americans; Bond, Ju; Charles, Larry; Civil Rights; Connecticut State Police (Conn.); Education; Hartford Police Department (Hartford, Conn.); Indians Of North America; Jackson, Jesse, 1941; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; Lewis, Cornell; Mount Moriah Baptist Church (Hartford, Conn.); National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; One Chane (Hartford, Conn.); Police; Police Community Relations; Rowland, John G; Urban African Americans; Young, Andrew; Youth Development
Official Season Route Book and Itinerary Al. G. Barnes Big 4 Ring Wild Animal Circus Season 1922
Al G. Barnes Wild Animal Circus
Agnes Lausten Cow Girl And Equestrienne; Al. G. Barnes Concert Band; Aldridge, Mary; Animal Trainers; Animals; Appleby, Cotton; Appleby, Louise; Babe Peterson Mistress Of The Ponderous Pachyderms; Ballew, Merritt; Barnes, Al G., 1862 1931; Barnum's Original Zip; Bones, Geo. Slats; Booth, C. M; Bruce, Carl; Bruce, Flora; Buchanan, Nita; Camille, Mlle; Captain S. C. Charles Animal Trainer; Cavanaugh, Jack; Charles, S. C; Chase, Jack; Circus; Circus Animals; Circus Bands; Circus Performers; Circus Workers; Circuses (Performances); Citizens State Bank; Clara, Baby; Clayton, Billie; Clowns; Comedians; Cowgirls; Crane & Mac Mahon Inc; Creek, Edna; Crooks, Al; Crooks, Peggy; Davis, Babe; Davis, Dolly; Davis, G; Davis, Madge; Davis, Mrs. G; Davis, Stanley; Decker, Frank W; Dogs; Drako, Howard; Duford, Bessie; Elephants; Entertainers; Equestrians; Faith Ryan Dancer And Equestrienne; Foor, Marie; Fortuna, Charles; Fowler, Pompi; Gardner, Cheerful; Giants; Hancock Bros; Hanna, Mrs. D; Harris, Jack; Herold, Paul; Hippopotamus; Human Curiosities; Jack Harris Clown P Oliceman; Jackson, Jewel; Johnson, William Henry; Juggling; Kimball, Helen; Kimball, Mary; King, Phil; Kinko; Kinko, Mary; Kinsuro; Klippel, Jack; La Marr, Dr. F. L; Lausten, Agnes; Lawrence, Bert; Le Roy, Frank; Lee, Margaret; Leopard; Lingo, Elmer; Lingo, Pearl; Lion; Lorraine Wallace Big Male Lion Act; Louis Roth Principal Animal Trainer; Magicians; Marco, Dutch; Marlow, Margie; Martin, Frank; Marvel, Grace; Mc Avoy, Daniel; Mc Carthy, Elizabeth; Mc Crea, Marion; Mc Kay, W. M; Mc Mann, Bertha; Menageries; Meyers, Helen; Miller, Joe; Monkeys; Moore, Bill; Mouton, Ben; Mr. George Graufogel Artistic Painter And Scenic Artiste; Mr. J. Jacobson Novelties; Mr. Paul Herold The European Giant; Mt. Vernon Car Manufacturing Co; Muessig, E; Mules; Musgrove, Margaret; Nellie Roth Working Leopards And Riding Menage; Orators; Originator Cheerful Gardner; Owens, Alma; Pacific Electric Railway Co; Peck, Wm. K; Peterson, Babe; Pierce, Onnie Lee; Post, Charles; Post, Mrs. Charles; Prinz, J. W; Punch And Judy; Roberts, Bob; Rooney, Mrs. F; Roselli, Mary; Roth, Louis; Roth, Nellie; Seals (Animals); Serpentina; Sheba, Mlle; Side Show Band And Minstrels; Sideshows; Smith, Elva; Smith, Lee; Snake Charmers; Sportswood Specialty Co; St. Marys Wheel & Spoke Co; Stanfield, Drew; Sword Swallowing; Taafe, Bill; Tattoo Artists; Taylor, Irene; Teller, Lee; Thimble, Frankie; Thompson, Margaret; Thompson, Mrs. K; Thornton, Bob; Thornton, Ova; Thornton, Robt; Trees, Eddie; Tyler, Harley S; Wallace, Lorraine; Warren, Clara; Watson, Cora; Wee, O. E; Whitney, Dot; Whitney, E. T; Williams, Charles; Wolff, Alfred; Wolff, Ruth; York Tack And Nail Works; Zip, 1857 1926
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