Civil War; Maritime; Military Organizations; Shipping; Ships; Tankers; War (Civil War); War (Korean War); War (Spanish American War); War (World War I); War (World War Ii)
@ Library of Congress
Civil War; Forts & Fortifications; Prisoners Of War; War (Civil War); War (Spanish American War); War (World War I); War (World War Ii)
@ Library of Congress
Brick Buildings; Civil War; Forts & Fortifications; Historic Sites; Military Art & Science; War (Civil War); War (Spanish American War); War (World War I); War (World War Ii)
@ Library of Congress
Adaptive Reuse; Armies; Civil War; Classrooms; Defense Industry; Military Art & Science; Offices; Ordnance Industry; Storehouses; War (Civil War); War (Korean War); War (Vietnam Conflict); War (World War I); War (World War Ii)
@ Library of Congress