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Grand complimentary benefit to Billy Burr by his numerous friends: on Friday evening, Feb. 12, 1864, on which occasion, a host of volunteers will appear, consisting of the following named artists: Mr. Ferdinand, in his champion bone solo. Billy Rose, the popular comic vocalist and Ethiopian comedian. Andy Williams, in his original banjo solos. Prof. Wm. Miller the great Wizard of the West. Mr. S. Stinson, the pleasing balladist. Mr. J.H. Barbour, in his excelsior jig. Mr. M. Lapierre, in choice Bomic [sic] songs, (first appearance in four years. Mr. Pete Williams, the great contraband. And also, The Aeolian Star Troupe ... More blunders than one ... Third time of Andy Williams' comic act, entitled The musician. ... The performance to conclude with the laughable farce, entitled Statue blanche! ... Admission. Parquet and gallery, 25 cents Secured seats in parquet, 35 cents Seats in private boxes, 50 cents Doors open quarter-before 7. Performance to commence quarter-before 8. Polite ushers in attendance
Coates Street Theatre (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Benefit Performances; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Magicians; Minstrel Shows; Musician; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Williams, Andy
It is better to laugh than be sighing: First grand concert by the Independence Assembly to be given at Girard Hall, S.W. cor. Sixth St. and Girard Avenue, on Friday ev'ng, March 20, 1863 on which occasion the Philadelphia Minstrels are engaged and will appear. ... Comic act--Post Office Sam! ... Comic act--Surprise party ... The performances will conclude with the laughable Ethiopian sketch, written by Andy Williams, entitled The musician! ... Admission, 25 cents. Doors open at half-past 6. Performance to commence at quarter of 8 Front seats reserved for ladies. Polite ushers will be in attendance
Philadelphia Minstrels
African Americans; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; Musician; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Satire; Williams, Andy
To make you laugh is our delight!: Grand concert to be given at Washington Hall, south-west corner of Eighth and Spring Garden Streets, on Wednesday evening, May 20, 1863, for the benefit of Billy Martin of the Philadelphia Minstrels, on which occasion the Philadelphia Minstrels and a host of volunteers will appear. ... Also, the popular Harmonia Orchestra will play a host of musical selections. Programme. ... Prestidigitation by the great William Miller. ... The performance will conclude with an Ethiopian sketch, by Andy Williams, entitled The black tailors ... Admission, 25 cents Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock. Curtain rises at quarter before 8. Polite ushers will be in attendance. Front seats reserved for ladies
Philadelphia Minstrels
Aerialists; African Americans; Benefit Performances; Black Tailors; Broadsides; Entertainment Events; Magicians; Minstrel Shows; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Playbills; Satire; Williams, Andy
Buck Clayton with likely Andy Williams
African American Jazz Musicians; African Americans; Clayton, Buck, 1911 1991; Jazz Musicians; Male Singers; Trumpet Players; Williams, Andy, 1927 2012
Grand complimentary benefit to Andy Williams and Billy Burr: on Wednesday eve'ng, Nov, 2d, '64 on which occasion the Jenks' Comedy Combination will appear in one of their screaming farces. ... Also, the Star Minstrels ... Admission, twenty-five cents Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performances commence at 8. Front seats reserved for ladies. Polite ushers will be in attendance. Programme. ... First time of Andy Williams' act, entitled Pepper-pot Jeemes ... By particular desire, will be repeated, The black statue! ... To conclude with the screaming farce of My neighbor's wife
Jenks' Comedy Combination
Aerialists; African Americans; Benefit Performances; Black Statue; Broadsides; Bunn, Alfred, 1796? 1860; Caricatures And Cartoons; Entertainment Events; Minstrel Shows; My Neighbor's Wife; Pennsylvania; Pepper Pot Jeemes; Philadelphia; Playbills; White, Charles, 1821 1891; Williams, Andy
Tobacco smuggling in the UK
Al Saleh; B & H; Bates, Clive; Benson & Hedges; Borek, Abdullah; Borek, Abdullah D; Butler; Buttice, Alessandro; Camel; Clarke, Kenneth; Dave; Dawn, Primarolo; Embassy; Flaherty, Patrick; Gallaher; Hassan; Imperial; Jeffery, Jeff; Jps; Kfouri, Micheal; Lambert; Luxembourg; Marlboro; Regal; Reynolds, Rj; Rowell, Andy; Sadler, Paul; Sandler; Silk Cut; Sinclaif, Jack; Sovereign; Superking; Thompson, Les; Tobacofina; West, Dave; William, Aj; Williams, Aj; Williams, Andy; Wilson, Peter
Revenue Lost from Tobacco Smuggling
Abrams, Fran; Benson & Hedges; Birks, Ian; Bulpit, Nigel; Buttice, Alessandro; Camel; Curry, Bill; Dave; Dunlop, Nigel; Embassy; Fielden, Chris; Flaherty, Patrick; Francis Thompson; Gallaher International Limited; Imperial Tobacco; Jeff Jeffery; Jenkins, Claire; Jenner, Barry; Jps; Keevil, Tom; Kenneth Clarke; Lambert & Butler; Marlboro; Mc Keown, Michelle; Moxon, Jon; Northridge, Nigel; Redshaw, Peter; Regal; Rolfe, Mark; Rowell, Andrew; Sadler; Sadler, P; Sadler, Paul; Simon, Nigel; Tardif, Yann; Tlais Enterprises Limited; West, D; West, Dave; Williams, Andy; Wilson, P; Wilson, Peter
News Script: 6PM Sports roundup
WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Afl; Ashe, Arthur; Business, Economics And Finance Communications Media; Cash, James; Coke, Thomas; Crashley, Bart; Dierker, Rick; Graebener, Clark; Henebutt, Elmer; Jackson, Sonny; Koch, Thomaz; News Stories; Nicklaus, Jack; Scripts; Simpson, O. J; Social Life And Customs Competitions; Speck, Fred; Sports And Recreation Baseball; Sports And Recreation Basketball; Sports And Recreation Football; Sports And Recreation Golf; Sports And Recreation Hockey; Sports And Recreation Tennis; Swiam, Johnny; Swift, Tom; Tanneberger, Ricky; Television Broadcasting Of News; Thomas, Derrell; Walters, Ron; Whittenbraker, Rick; Williams, Andy; Wintermeyer, Norm (Norman)
Route of Gardner & Hemming's American Circus 1863
Gardner & Hemmings Circus
Acrobatics; Aerialists; Animal Trainers; Animals; Ballet; Big Band; Brown, George; Burr, William; Circus; Circus Animals; Circus Bands; Circus Performers; Circus Workers; Circuses (Performances); Clowns; Comedians; Contortionists; Dancers; De Louis, George R; Dogs; Entertainers; Equestrian Drama; Equestrians; Foster, John; Gardner Sisters; Gardner, Camilla; Gardner, Dan; Gardner, Ed; Gardner, Eliza; Gardner, Mrs. Dan; Harrison, Robert; Hartman, Fritz; Hemming, Richard; Hill, William W; Horse Sports; Human Curiosities; King, George W; Menageries; Minstrel Music; Minstrel Performers; Minstrel Shows; Naylor, John; Naylor, William; Necello, Frank; Polish Brothers; Sears, John; Sheppard, John; Shooters Of Firearms; Sideshows; Singers; Snyder, Thomas R; Sword Swallowers; Sword Swallowing; Ventriloquists; Wambold, George; Williams, Andy
Walker--WATS Line reports, 1964-1965 (Samuel Walker papers, 1964-1966; Archives Main Stacks, Mss 655, Box 1, Folder 4)
Walker, Samuel
Abbot, Klondike; Abbot, Lemon; Abernathy, Ralph, 1926 1990; Abrams, Robert; Adams, Jane; Adams, Jim; Adams, Victoria Gray, 1926 2006; Agnew, John; Agriculture; Alberts, George; Albritton, Red; Alderman, D. H; Aley, Margaret; Allen, John; Allen, Louis; Allen, Louis, Mrs; Americans For Preservation Of The White Race; Analavage, Robert; Anderson, Gardner; Anderson, Nathaniel; Anglin, Frank; Archibald, Larry; Archie, Houston; Arrest; Arson; Assault And Battery; Association Of Tenth Amendment Conservatives; Ault, Richard; Austen, James; Axelrod, Beverly; Bailey, John; Bankhead, Lee; Barnett, Ross R. (Ross Robert), 1898 1987; Barnhill, Roger; Barrett, Joyce; Barry, Marion, 1936; Bartlett, Jack; Bass, James; Bateman, Joe; Bates, James; Battiste, John; Battle, Randy, 2009; Baty, Douglas; Beech, Robert, 1935 2008; Belcher, William; Belfrage, Sally, 1936; Bell, John; Bellamy, Fay; Berman, Jack; Bess, George; Bevel, James L. (James Luther), 1936 2008; Bingham, Jonathan; Bingham, Stephen, 1942; Birdsong, T. B; Bishop, Ernestine; Bishop, Jack; Blackwell, Jeremiah; Blackwell, Unita, 1933; Blanchette, Donald; Blow, Robert; Bombings; Boone, Richard; Bowie, Harry; Bowie, Henry; Boycotts; Boyd, Sally Mae; Boyd, Stan; Brady, Phillip; Brady, Thomas P., 1903 1973; Brandt, Barbara; Bray, Sandra; Brehay, R; Breiner, Richard; Brewer, Mike; Bridgeforth, Ron; Briggs, J. C; Britting, Mary; Broderick, Vincent; Bronstein, Alvin J; Brooks, Eddie; Brown, Bambi; Brown, Benjamin A; Brown, Candy; Brown, Charity; Brown, James; Brown, Jerry; Brown, Joyce; Brown, Larry; Brown, Lloyd; Brown, Otis; Brown, Sandy; Brown, Tom; Brown, Wilson; Bryant, Ray; Buffington, John; Bukely, Luther; Burnham, Margaret; Burt, Gordon; Cabes, Leonard; Calma, Jacques Michael; Camera, Jeremy; Campbell, A. E; Campbell, Cecil; Campbell, Ellis; Campbell, Hayden; Campbell, James A; Campbell, L. Foote; Campbell, Louis; Campbell, Malcolm; Campbell, Maybelle; Carmichael, Stokely; Carpenter, David; Carr, Sam; Carson, Judy; Carver, Bernard; Carver, Ronald; Casey, Jerry; Caston, Billy Jack; Caves, Leonard B; Chandler, Len; Chaney, Ben; Chaney, Fannie Lee; Chaney, James Earl, 1943 1964; Charles; Chastain, Norman; Church Buildings; Cieciorka, Frank; Civil Rights; Civil Rights Demonstrations; Civil Rights Workers; Clark, James G; Clayton, Claude F. (Claude Feemster), 1909 1969; Clemson, Barry; Clergy; Clothing And Dress; Cocroft, Mason Freeman; Cohelan, Jeffery, 1914 1999; Cohen, Bob; Coleman, Buddy; Coleman, J. P. (James Plemon), 1914 1991; Coleman, John; Collins, Ben; Collins, Bill; Collins, Eddie; Communism; Community Centers; Congress Of Racial Equality; Conyers, John, 1929; Cooper, Fannie; Corcorin, Ernest; Cotton, Mac Arthur; Council Of Federated Organizations (U.S.); Country, Eddie; Cox, Courtland, 1942; Cox, Harold; Craig, Calvin; Crawford, Eartiss James; Cress, Lorne; Crosby, Mary Louise; Cross, Joseph; Crumpton, Oliver; Cunningham, Sidney; Currie, Browel; Dahl, Katherine; Daley, Roger; Dann, James; Darden, Ann; Davis, A. B; Davis, Clarence; Davis, Frank; Davis, Leroy; Davis, Linda; Davison, Marion; Davy, Dick; De Lott, Elaine; De Vine, Annie; Democratic Party (Miss.); Democratic Party (U.S.); Demonstrations; Diggs, Charles C; Dillon, Mattie; Dixon, Homer; Dixon, James H; Doar, John, 1921; Dodd, Len; Dodd, Willer; Donaldson, Ivanhoe; Dorrough, William; Dow, John; Dubinsky, Ed; Dyal, Ken; Eastland, James Oliver, 1904 1986; Easton, Louis; Edwards, Don; Ellery, Walter; Else, Jon; Ervin, Will; Evans, Frank; Everett, Sherry; Everett, Ulysses; Evers, Charles, 1922; Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925 1963; Evins, Walker; Eyrich, Clarence; Farese, Tony; Farmer, Clint; Farmer, James, 1920 1999; Faubus, Orval Eugene, 1910 1994; Featherstone, Ralph; Fike, Tom; Finley, John; Finley, Steve; Fisher, E. C; Fleming, T. A; Fletcher, Robert; Flowers, Dick; Floyd, Curtis E; Food Drives; Ford, James; Forman, James, 1928 2005; Forsyth, William H; Fortenberry, Glenn; Foster, John; Fox, Larry; Franklin, Maolla; Franklin, Presley; Fraser, Steve; Free Southern Theater; Freedom Day; Freedom Singers; Freedom Vote; Freeman, Gladys; Frentz, Gunter; Frye, Hardy T; Fusco, Liz; Futorian, Aviva; Galloway, Warren; Ganz, Marshall, 1943; Gaston, Dennis; Gibson, Charlie; Gillon, Gwendolyn; Gilman, Robert; Givens, Leo; Gladney, Edna; Glenn, Charles; Goldberg, Stu; Golden, Cleveland; Goode, James P; Goodman, Andrew, 1943 1964; Goodner, Allen Thomas; Goodwin, Essie; Gordon, Bruce; Gordon, Emily; Graham, Benjamin; Grant, Louis; Graves, Charles; Gray, Douglas; Gray, Jesse; Gray, Lucius; Green, Dove; Greenberg, Iris; Griffin, Rubel; Gulick, Susan; Guyot, Lawrence, 1939 2012; Haberman, Karen; Hall, Bill; Hall, Clarence; Hall, Cosey; Hamer, Donald; Hamer, Fannie Lou; Hamilton, M. W., 1909 1990; Hamlett, Ed, 1939; Hancock, Milton; Hansen, Bill; Hansen, Ruthie Buffington; Hanson, Pat; Hardaway, Oliver; Hargreaves, Robert; Harper, Debbie; Harper, J; Harris, Ernest; Harris, Jesse; Harris, John; Harrison, Jerry; Harrison, Joe; Hartfield, Ben; Hartfield, Charles Nelson; Hawkins, Augustus; Hawthorne, Grace; Hayes, Curtis; Hayes, Louis; Heitler, Richard; Henderson, Margie; Henry, Aaron, 1922 1997; Hewitt, Theodis; Higgs, William; Higson, Mike; Hill, Charles; Hill, Lon Clay; Hillegas, Jan; Hines, Louis; Hintz, Delores; Hintz, Elsie; Holt, James; Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895 1972; Hope, Catherine; Hopkins, Andrew; House, Lou; House, Stuart; Howard, David; Howard, Ruth; Hubbard, Earl; Hudgies, Howard; Hughes, Cephus; Hughes, Donald; Hughes, Norman; Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911 1978; Hurst, E. H; Ingraham, Michael; Intimidation; Irby, Lucy; Jackson, Albert; Jackson, Ellis; Jackson, Jimmie Lee; Jackson, Joe; Jackson, John; Jackson, Lloyd; Jackson, Moses Lee; Jackson, Viola; Jails; Jeeter, Joey; Jefferson, Mitchell; Jemmott, Janet; Jenkins, Douglas; Jenkins, L; Jenkins, Linda; Johnson, Arthur; Johnson, Caliss; Johnson, Charles; Johnson, Elenora; Johnson, Joe; Johnson, Linda; Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908 1973; Johnson, Paul B., 1916 1985; Johnson, Willie; Johnston, Erle; Joiner, John Henry; Jones, Daniel; Jones, Frank; Jones, Fred; Jones, Hercules A; Jones, James; Jones, Jimmie Lee; Jones, Mathew; Jordan, R. O; Josey, Thomas; Junk, Ursula; Kabat, Lucien; Kaminsky, Georgia; Kaminsky, Herschel; Kaslo, Greg; Katchings, Albert; Katzenbach, Nicholas De B. (Nicholas De Belleville), 1922 2012; Kelly, Richard; Kempfer, James; Keyes, Kilmer Estus; King, Ann; King, C. B; King, Edwin H; King, James; King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929 1968; King, Slater, 1927 1969; Kinner, Bob; Kirkland, M. L; Kirschenbaum, Howard; Kitchens, Herman; Klein, Paul; Kline, Adam; Knox, Alfred; Koonan, Karen; Kornfield, Carol; Kotz, David; Ku Klux Klan; Kunstler, William M. (William Moses), 1919 1995; Kushner, Fred; Ladner, Dorie; Ladner, Heber; Lafayette, Bernard; Larsen, Mary Grace; Lary, Curtis; Laurent, George; Lavelle, Robert; Lawrence, Tina; Lee, Curtis; Lee, Herbert; Lee, Joe; Lee, Roy; Lee, Virginia Ann; Lee, William; Lee, Willie Henry; Leigh, Sanford; Lester, Julius; Lewis, Jim; Lewis, John; Libraries; Light, Bill; Lindsay, Flossie; Lingo, Al; Literacy Tests (Election Law); Little, Grady; Littlejohn, Roy; Liutkis, John; Lo Galbo, Emmanual; Lockett, Ramona; Loftus, Bill; Long, Paul; Long, Worth W; Lorenzi, Henry; Love, John Clark; Lowenstein, Rick; Lucky, Cleota; Lynching; Lynd, Staughton; Mack, Mc Kinley; Mack, Thelma; Mahone, Sammy; Marfleet, Ben; Margolis, Ben; Martin, Georgia; Martin, Gordon; Martin, Joe; Martin, L. J; Mass Media; Masters, Robert; Mc Arthur, Bob; Mc Cord, Don; Mc Cray, Willie; Mc Gauley, Pat; Mc Ghee, Jake; Mc Ghee, Laura; Mc Ghee, Silas; Mc Ghee, Willie; Mc Hugh, Madeline; Mc Intyre, Red; Mc Kellar, Chuck; Mc Keller, Everett; Mc Kinnie, Lester; Mc Knight, Leo; Mc Namara, Robert C., Iii; Medical Committee For Human Rights (U.S.); Meredith, James, 1933; Merritt, Carole; Metcalf, George; Miles, Robert; Miller, George (George Paul), 1891 1982; Miller, Marjorie; Miller, Richard; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Mississippi Freedom Schools; Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission; Mississippi Student Union; Mitchell, Francis; Mogelson, Jack; Moldovan, Alfred, 1921; Montgomery, Dorothy; Montgomery, Edward G; Moore, Marcia; Moore, Philip; Moore, Roy K; Moore, William; Morphew, Richard; Morris, Isaac; Morse, F. Bradford, 1921 1994; Morse, Frank; Morton, Eric; Moses, Denise; Moses, Robert Parris; Mosk, Ed; Murder; Music; National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People; Neblett; Nelson, Roland; Nemenyi, Peter; Newell, Bob; Nixon, Robert; Norman, Silas; O'connor, Claire; O'neal, Chuck; O'wyner, Paul; Ohls, James; Omerberg, Maynard; Orris, Peter; Page, Carl; Palmen, Hazel; Palmer, Hattie; Parker, Sidney; Parks, Henry; Parry, James; Patch, Penny; Pate, Karen; Patine, Raymond; Patterson, Joseph Turner; Peacock, James; Pearlman, Daniel; Perdew, John, 1941; Pestana, Frank; Pete, James; Phipps, Bobby; Phipps, James Earl; Phipps, Leon; Pickering, Merle; Pigee, Vera Mae; Pigford, William; Police; Police Brutality; Poor; Pounds, Ray; Poverty; Powell, Adam Clayton, 1908 1972; Powell, William; Powells, J. D; Pratt, Jack; Prevost, G. M; Price, Cecil; Price, Charles; Quinn, Aylene; Rainey, Lawrence A; Ramsey, Tom; Ranew, Charles; Ransom, James; Rasberry, Donald; Raymond, George; Reaves, G. N., Mrs; Redbyrd, Cecil; Reed, Ogden; Reese, Tony; Reese, Willie; Reinicke, Helmut; Resnick, Joseph Y. (Joseph Yale), 1924 1969; Rhodes, Edna; Rice, Carl; Rich, Marvin; Richardson, Judy; Ricks, Willie; Ridley, Eugene; Robertson, Joseph; Robertson, Richard; Robinson, Amelia Boynton, 1911; Robinson, Jackie; Robinson, James; Rogers, Ruthie Lee; Rohrbaugh, Ray; Romney, George W., 1907 1995; Rose, Glenn; Ross, Jim; Rouse, Eugene; Rubin, Larry, 1942; Ruffin, Susie; Ryan, William F., 1922 1972; Saltzman, Warren; Samstein, Mendy; Sanderford, D. O; Saunders, Eddie; Savio, Mario; Scattergood, Charles; Scheuer, James; Schiffman, Alan; Schools; Schrader, Emmie; Schulman, Howard; Schwartz, Joseph; Schwerner, Michael Henry, 1939 1964; Schwerner, Nathan H; Scott, Willie Emma; Scudder, Kenneth; Seese, Linda; Segal, David; Segregation; Sellers, Cleveland, 1944; Sellers, Minnie; Selma To Montgomery Rights March (1965 : Selma, Ala.); Shanahan, Paul; Shankle, Ike; Shannon, Henry; Sharp, Charlie; Sharp, Monroe; Shaw, Terry; Shaw, Willie; Shelby, Ollie B; Shepard, Walt; Sherrod, Turner; Shupenko, Mary Ann; Sigel, John; Simmons, Gwendolyn Zoharah; Simmons, Jesse; Simpkins, Isaac; Simpson, Euvester; Simpson, Richard; Sims, Aaron; Sims, Willie Gervis; Smith, Dale; Smith, Elvy; Smith, F. L; Smith, Frank; Smith, J. D; Smith, J. D., Mrs; Smith, J. V; Smith, J. W; Smith, Jean; Smith, Joe; Smith, Lorie; Smith, Robert; Smith, Scott B; Smith, Theresa; Smith, Willie G; Smitherman, Joseph; Sneed, Billy; Soracco, Frank; Sorenson, Douglas; Sours, Nancy Ann; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Spears, Lawrence; Spencer, James; Spinks, Althea; Spios, Bill; Stallworth, Jessie Mae; Stavis, Morton; Stenson, Bob; Steptoe, E. W; Sternberger, Richard S; Steven, Philip E; Stigler, Joe; Stone, Joe; Stribling, Tom; Strong, Robert; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.); Suarez, Matteo; Sullivan, Joseph; Surney, Lafayette; Swartzfager, Paul; Sweeney, Dennis; Tate, Jesse; Taylor, Ida Mae; Thomas, Daniel; Thomas, John; Thomas, Morton; Thomas, Willy; Thompson, Allen C. (Allen Cavett), 1906 1980; Threats; Tillotson, John; Townsend, Oscar; Travis, Jimmy; Trice, Clifford; Tucker, Benny; Turnbow, Hartman; Turner, Albert; Turner, Clint; Unemployment; United States; United States. Civil Rights Act Of 1964; United States. Department Of Justice; United States. Federal Bureau Of Investigation; Vaughs, Cliff; Vietnam War, 1961 1975; Vivian, C. T; Vivian, Weston; Volunteers; Von Faxel, Morgan; Voter Registration; Walker, Daniel; Walker, Robert; Walker, Sid; Wallace, Bill; Wallace, Fred; Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919 1998; War On Poverty; Ware, Bill; Ware, Henry; Warren, R. R; Warshaw, Mel; Washington, Cynthia; Washington, George; Washington, Jackie; Washington, John; Washington, Willie; Wasserman, Jac; Watkins, Alberta; Watkins, R. W; Watts, Sandra; Weathersby, William; Wells, John; Welsh, David; Westbrook, Gerald; Wetmore, Linda; Wheat, Donald; Wheatley, J. D; White Citizens Councils; White, Don; White, Hilliard, Jr; White, James; White, Robert; Whites; Whitley, Clifton R; Wiggins, E. J; Wiley, Christopher; Wilgoren, Arlene; Wilkins, John; Wilkins, Roy, 1901 1981; Williams, Andy; Williams, Benny; Williams, Bob; Williams, Charles; Williams, Chris; Williams, Floyd; Williams, Hosea, 1926; Williams, James C; Wilson, Jim; Wilson, Warren; Winn, Fred; Winter, George; Wise, Stanley; Woodward, Otis; X, Malcolm, 1925 1965; Young, Andrew, 1932; Young, Jack; Young, Lawrence; Zaretsky, Eli; Zellner, Bob; Zinn, Howard, 1922 2010; Zirker, Eva; Ziss, Edward
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