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Labor contract between Jas M Goodwin and Patience Hollingsworth, March 10, 1868

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands


Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands reviewed labor contract between landowners and Montgomery County, Alabama freedmen. This record has been transcribed as follows: MEMORANDA OF A CONTRACT MADE THIS 10th DAY OF March 1868, BETWEEN Jas M Goodwin and Patience Hollingsworth as cook* and Laborers on his Plantation for the year 1868. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The laborers are to be furnished, in addition to the wages,, a fall supply of good and wholesome provisions, that is to say, at least three and one-half pounds of bacon, or its equivalent, and one peck of corn meal per week; also, with comfortable quarters and fuel, and with such medical attention and medicines as are ordinarily furnished on a plantation; but all provisioned furnished to non-workers, and all physician�s fees shall be charged to laborers at actual cost. The laborers shall be treated kindly, and dealt with justly and honorably in all matters of business or otherwise. 2. They are to work each day of the week (Sundays excepted) the full number of hours provided by law, unless tasks are given. 3. Deductions shall be made from the wages of the laborers for time lost and rations consumed in such lost time at the rate of the said wages and actual cost of rations. 4. There shall be furnished each head of a family, or single laborer, [blank] acre of land for cultivation, in extra time, and the necessary teams and implements to cultivate it. On this land they will be...
Created Date:
March 10, 1868
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