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Southwind No. 129

@ Atlanta History Center


This recording opens with an introduction of the program by Boyd Lewis. The first segment, which begins at 1:38, is a feature about folk music trio Elise Witt and Small Family Orchestra. The program contains audio excerpts from Witt, and violinist Steve Harris. They describe their music and their tour schedule including Central America. The second segment, which begins at 11:26, is feature about Miriam Grayhoff, an equal opportunity specialist for the Atlanta office of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission who successfully sued the agency for wage discrimination in paying her less than men for doing essentially the same job. The third segment, which begins at 15:18, is a feature about the Presidential Parkway, a four lane highway connecting downtown Atlanta to the Carter Center. The program includes audio of protesters being arrested as they attempt to block construction of the road. The protesters were angry over the destruction of public parks. The program features audio excerpts from DeKalb County Commissioner Sherry Shulman; Atlanta City Councilman John Lewis; Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young; Emory professor Neal Moran; Jack Boozer of CAUTION, and Jimmy Carter; The program ends with a sign off by Boyd Lewis."Southwind" was a radio program about the issues, people, and culture of the South that aired on WABE-FM, Atlanta's public radio station. The series, which aired from 1980 to 1987, was conceived, produced, and reported by journalist Boyd Lewis.
Copyright is held by Boyd Lewis. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons, Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivsCC BY-NC-ND license
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Record Contributed By

Atlanta History Center

Record Harvested From

Digital Library of Georgia