Night Raiders--Martin Luther King: "More Black Power Means Less Sacrifice of Americans And Vietnamese On The Altar Of Greedy Profits."
@ St. Lawrence University
St. Lawrence University: Street Art Graphics; Quotes by Martin Luther King addressing issues relating to black power, social and economic justice as well as the Vietnam War. "March on Washington from the deep South, the city ghettos, Appalachia let the poor encamp in the nation's capital until Congress has passed the Poor Man's Bill of Rights."--If too chicken to resist the draft, may you get killed before you kill in this illegal and immoral war." Night Raiders is a group of U.S. political stickers from the '60s and ‘70s protesting the Vietnam War and U.S. imperialism, and calling for racial equality among blacks and whites. "Night Raiders" here may refer to military "night riders" and civilian vigilante "Knight Riders" of the Ku Klux Klan, as well as "freedom riders" during the U.S. civil rights era.
1960 1980
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